Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Follow your dreams.

11 days ago, I turned 22.

The past 2 years have been insane.

I dedicated the bulk of my time to La Novella Studio. As a result, I had one the best birthday presents presented to me in my entire life. I was invited back to Temasek Polytechnic last month for an alumni talk to the Marketing juniors.

I remember when I first accepted the invitation, I swore I could have kicked myself because I asked myself on what basis do I head back to school to talk to people? I am not an incredibly successful person and it's not like I have been through university education. But I realized that was my self esteem talking.

I headed back to school on the morning of 25th April with the support of the boyfriend and Qi Rong. I remember it was extremely nostalgic to head into school again. Walking around the school brought back a lot of memories that I seem to have forgotten because I was too busy working.

I saw all the marketing lecturers that has taught us before and it made me miss school even more.

After which, I got to find out that I was the first speaker of the morning. That made me extremely nervous. I walked up to the stage. My legs were shaking furiously as I spoke my greetings to people.

After that, I got a lot more confident. I realized all I was doing was to share my life with these young boys and girls who had their own set of dreams as well. I finished off my presentation and it was quite heartening to notice that people actually stopped to listen to what I had to say.

Q and A came and I came to the realization that my speech actually touched people's hearts. I had a lot of questions directed to me that day. And I answered every single question happily because I realized that these young people are full of ambitions that no one probably realizes.

I realized that my talk actually made them realize that going into university after poly is not the only choice available to them. If you have enough guts, and if you are willing to work hard enough, you can fight for your own piece of land as well.

And I was glad to have this opportunity to share my story because I realized that I managed to somehow, inspire people with my speech.

And it is quite touching. I really really felt touched when I realized that people were actually interested to listen to me.

So thank you Temasek Polytechnic Marketing, it was an extreme honor to head back to school and thank you for having me.