Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The business world

A businessman/woman has always been seen by the society as an extremely glamourous job. Who knew that behind this facade of a seeming glamourous and rich lifestyle is one that's exceedingly tough and exhausting?

I've never once thought that this route would be one that would be smooth and easy. But neither did I think that it was going to be so tough. 

Moving up to a management position from one that was always more or less free and easy is harder than anyone would have thought it would be.. 
No banks are willing to loan you money because you are so young and new in the industry. 
No companies are willing to lease you their machine because of the same damn reason. 
People try to rip you off all the goddamn time also because of the same damn reason. 
People disrespect you and try to cut you off all the time because you look so young and gullible. 

And god forbid, we are young and gullible. We are young and new in the industry. Yes, we are. 

But let me just say that because of every stone that people have thrown our way, I am more determined than ever to strive and do my best. I am more sure than ever that I'll make LNS so successful one day that the people who's ever looked down on us will end up regretting their lack of foresight. I'll persevere through every shit that people are ready to throw at me. 

And I will make our business successful. I'll do everything and anything at all in my capacity to make things work for us. 

The business world is one of the toughest industry you can ever enter. It is scaldingly scary. Everyone out there is out to get you and hurt your business. It is a battlefield out here. But to all entrepreneurs, hang in there please. Hang in there because only the fittest will survive in this battle. And you'll only be the fittest if you are willing to hang in there and do everything in your capacity to improve yourself and your business. 

And this is difficult but definitely worth every minute of your time if you are really, truly serious about it. 

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